Friday, September 18, 2009


NO! I'm not pregnant. The surprise is pretty funny now that I'm awake. I was sound asleep this morning at 6 am, and Dave turned off the alarm and got up and went to get into the shower. I heard a little commotion and went back to sleep. Then around 6:30 Dave walks into the bedroom and turned on the hall light so he wouldn't blind me to get ready for work and said "mom, someone wants to see you". My first thought I hate to admit was ugh, I'm not done sleeping, then Kanyon come's into our bedroom soaking wet, and I said what happened. Dave said he was in the shower and heard the bathroom door open and he looked and saw no one. Then a few seconds later he heard Kanyon grunting and opened the shower door and there he stood wide awake. He thinks it's really funny that he now knows how to climb out of his crib and wander around the house opening doors. At 6am. I on the other hand don't think it's very funny because whatever he learns he teaches his brother and visa versa. I'm in a huge amount of trouble. Now that I'm awake and not bugged my much needed beauty rest was disturbed, I do think it is cute that he woke up and wanted a shower with dad. It's funny how one guesture can give two people opposite reactions. It always makes Dave's day when the boys are up before he leaves for work so he can say goodbye. But on the other hand it always makes my day worse, thay are cranky and nap way way to early in the morning and then they are awnry all evening. Anyhow, they are both napping right now and as I sit on the computer yet again, Ryleigh is sitting next to me creating lots of pictures, crowns, and presents for my friend Jarid and his dog Lily. She is so silly. This bag of "presents" she has for them is full. But she's content and that's fine by me. I will talk about my day later, for now that's it. Bye.

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